律师函英文(用于追讨欠款) | 经济律师网-米乐网页

律师函英文:de**nd letter for payment of outstanding debt

dear [debtor],

we are writing to de**nd payment of the outstanding debt owed to our client, [creditor]. despite numerous attempts to reach you and resolve this **tter **icably, you have failed to **ke any effort to repay the debt. as such, our client has instructed us to take legal action if payment is not received within [x] days of receipt of this letter.

we urge you to take immediate action to settle this debt and avoid any further legal action. failure to do so will result in our client pursuing all available legal reme***s, including but not limited to, filing a lawsuit against you, obtaining a judgment, and pursuing collection efforts.

please find enclosed a detailed statement of the outstanding debt, including any interest and fees that have accrued. we request that you **ke payment in full within [x] days of receipt of this letter. payment can be **de by [insert payment method], and should be sent to the following address:

[insert creditor's address]

if you have any questions or concerns regarding this **tter, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately. we strongly advise you to seek legal advice if you are unsure of your obligations or rights in this **tter.


[your n**e]

[your law firm]


1. gather all relevant infor**tion and documentation related to the outstanding debt, including any invoices, contracts, and correspondence with the debtor.

2. draft a de**nd letter that clearly outlines the **ount owed, any interest or fees that have accrued, and a deadline for payment.

3. send the de**nd letter to the debtor via certified **il or e**il, ensuring that you have proof of receipt.

4. follow up with the debtor if payment is not received within the specified deadline.

5. if payment is still not received, consider taking legal action, such as filing a lawsuit or pursuing collection efforts.

小标题1:background infor**tion

provide a brief overview of the situation leading up to the outstanding debt, including any agreements or contracts that were signed.

小标题2:details of the outstanding debt

provide a detailed breakdown of the outstanding debt, including any interest or fees that have accrued.

小标题3:de**nd for payment

clearly state the deadline for payment and the consequences of failing to **ke payment.

小标题4:next steps

outline the steps that will be taken if payment is not received within the specified deadline, including legal action and collection efforts.


please be advised that our client is serious about pursuing all available legal reme***s to recover the outstanding debt. we strongly urge you to take immediate action to settle this **tter and avoid any further legal action. if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately.


[your n**e]

[your law firm]

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上一篇 2023年 4月 2日
下一篇 2023年 4月 2日


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